Dr. Corine KAREMA

Dr. Corine KAREMA is the board member of Rwanda Development Organization (RDO).

Medical doctor by profession, Dr. Corine KAREMA is among specialized epidemiologists and malaria experts in East Africa. She is a public health official and researcher with outstanding experience in diagnosis and treatment of malaria, tuberculosis and other tropical diseases. Dr. Corine occupied leadership and advisory positions in many global health international and regional organizations such as American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, World Health Organization (WHO) and East African Roll Back Malaria Network among others. She holds a MSc degree in Epidemiology from the University of Rwanda, a Post Graduate Diploma in Malariology from University of Aix-Marseilles II (France) and is now pursuing a PhD program in Epidemiology with the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute University of Basel (Switzerland). In academic sphere, Dr. Corine teaches Epidemiology and Global Health Delivery at the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE) as Adjunct Assistant Professor in Executive Education.